
Category: Lawn & Turf Care

A plea for flowers in the long grass

A plea for flowers in the long grass

This is the fifth article of a series of short pieces for in which I look at current trends and ideas in garden design.   There is a lot of intensively mown grass in New Zealand–road berms, parks and reserves, garden lawns and various types of ‘unused land’–even if we exclude sports pitches. Most of […]

Landscape Solutions: Reinforce grass or gravel

Landscape Solutions: Reinforce grass or gravel

SurePave is a plastic cellular paving grid for reinforcing grass or gravel where a permeable or porous surface is required. The unique design of this system offers excellent ground reinforcement by creating a surface made up by an open cell structure that can be used with either grass or gravel. SurePave pavers are suitable for […]

Grass grub time...

Grass grub time…

Gardeners are always complaining about their lawns being damaged by grubs which include Grass Grub, Black Beetle Grubs or Porina Caterpillars. If the grubs are not eating the roots of the grasses the porina are eating at the base of the grass causing bare patches in lawns. When any of the above pests are active […]

Idea videos: Compost Bins & Buckets

Idea videos: Compost Bins & Buckets

Making compost bins with wooden pellets Compost Buckets

Digger Dan’s Monthly Garden Tips  August 2012

Digger Dan’s Monthly Garden Tips August 2012

Planting Now Planting Potatoes: Prepare the potato patch for your sprouted spuds:  Dig Living Earth Organic Certified Compost through the potato patch, then dig a trench – the soil that is on the sides can be used to ‘mound up’ the potatoes as they grow. Varieties such as Cliff’s Kidney, Rocket and Jersey Benne are […]

Digger Dan's gardening tips

Digger Dan’s gardening tips

Harvest your garlic and keep up the watering advises Digger.

People love a good lawn

People love a good lawn

In both a visual and practical sense lawns add to the quality and comfort provided by our living space.

Digger Dan's December gardening tips

Digger Dan’s December gardening tips

Digger tells us what needs doing in our Christmas garden.