
Category: Gardening & Maintenance

Wally Richards – The Beautiful Worm Farm

Wally Richards – The Beautiful Worm Farm

Worms are the most efficient method of recycling household waste into high value nutrients for the garden. Having your own worm farm is a great way to turn your kitchen scraps into liquid plant food and worm casts (virmicasts) which can then be incorporated into your gardens or containers.

Wally Richards – Solving Tomato Problems

Wally Richards – Solving Tomato Problems

At this time of year many gardeners have one or more tomato plants growing and producing fruit that has really great flavour compared to “bought” ones. That is, of course, if the plants are grown fairly naturally and the fruit formed is picked either ripe or near ripe. However, there are some problems that can […]

January gardening

January gardening

January marks the half way point of the gardening year and as we do in June, preparing for the following spring/summer, now we must prepare for the coming autumn/winter. Novice gardeners often miss this vital time in establishing vegetables for use later as the days shorten. It is those shortening daylight hours that brings urgency, […]

How to Improve Poor Soils and grow the Best Vegetables (or anything else)

How to Improve Poor Soils and grow the Best Vegetables (or anything else)

It is a fact that successful gardens are determined by the quality of the soil you plant into. Generally the less you work your soil, the poorer it becomes particularly if you are trying to garden on clay or in fine dusty dirt. And now that the craze for gardening has become focussed around food-growing […]

Wally Richards – Gardening into the New Year

Wally Richards – Gardening into the New Year

Well gardeners, the year is quickly drawing to an end and the gardens are bursting with produce and flowers planted in the spring. It is a time that you are rewarded for your gardening efforts with produce and flowers to grace your home and table. It is also the right time to plant up in […]

Make a green New Year resolution

Make a green New Year resolution

Conservation groups are reporting that 2009 is set to be a pivotal year in New Zealand’s sustainable revolution.  Green living has now gone mainstream, and it’s everyday people that are leading it.  2008 was a sobering year for environmental news.  In October, WWF’s Living Planet Report found that our use of natural resources per person […]

Wally Richards – Christmas Gardening

Wally Richards – Christmas Gardening

Firstly we would like to wish all our readers a very merry Christmas and a happy gardening New Year. We are now halfway through another gardening year with the longest day here.  This is the time of year when our gardens are growing at maximum with only the moisture content of the soil to interfere […]

Rise in Legionnaire’s disease numbers prompts reminder

Rise in Legionnaire’s disease numbers prompts reminder

The Ministry of Health is reminding gardening enthusiasts about the dangers of using potting mix without taking the necessary precautions, following a sharp rise in the number of cases last month. 20 cases of legionellosis (also known as Legionnaire’s disease) were notified last month, compared to seven last November. At this stage, five cases are […]