
Category: Industry Info

Make a green New Year resolution

Make a green New Year resolution

Conservation groups are reporting that 2009 is set to be a pivotal year in New Zealand’s sustainable revolution.  Green living has now gone mainstream, and it’s everyday people that are leading it.  2008 was a sobering year for environmental news.  In October, WWF’s Living Planet Report found that our use of natural resources per person […]

Waikato scientists put on ice for summer

Waikato scientists put on ice for summer

Eighteen scientists led by the Waikato University will spend four weeks in Antarctica this summer as part of a project to compile a detailed picture of the Ross Dependency. The scientists will spend most of January in Antarctica’s Dry Valleys as part of the university’s project to create a Geographic Information System model which links […]

Horticulture New Zealand Dismayed by Endosulfan Timeframe Decision

Horticulture New Zealand Dismayed by Endosulfan Timeframe Decision

Today’s extraordinary decision by the Environmental Risk Management Authority to immediately ban endosulfan has left the horticulture industry wondering what more it can do to work with the agency. Horticulture New Zealand is disappointed ERMA has taken the drastic option to totally ban the agrichemical on January 16. This gives growers just over a month […]

Rise in Legionnaire’s disease numbers prompts reminder

Rise in Legionnaire’s disease numbers prompts reminder

The Ministry of Health is reminding gardening enthusiasts about the dangers of using potting mix without taking the necessary precautions, following a sharp rise in the number of cases last month. 20 cases of legionellosis (also known as Legionnaire’s disease) were notified last month, compared to seven last November. At this stage, five cases are […]

ECan disappointed with costs ruling on landscape protection for Banks Peninsula

ECan disappointed with costs ruling on landscape protection for Banks Peninsula

Environment Canterbury (ECan) is disappointed with the Environment Court’s costs award to the Christchurch City Council and Federated Farmers in its claim against ECan for the Banks Peninsula District Plan landscape protection hearing. The City Council has been awarded $30,000, Federated Farmers $35,000. ECan chair Sir Kerry Burke says that a key ECan objective is […]

Farmers vindicated with costs in Banks Peninsula case

Farmers vindicated with costs in Banks Peninsula case

The award of $35,000 costs to Federated Farmers from Environment Canterbury (Canterbury Regional Council), signals the end of an 11 year fight for the right to farm in Banks Peninsula. Federated Farmers Banks Peninsula Branch chairperson, Pam Richardson, said she is pleased at the $35,000 costs award, but remains frustrated at Environment Canterbury’s refusal to […]

Water conservation now critical

Water conservation now critical

Restricted water supplies could become mandatory in Christchurch by mid-century if population growth is realised and water consumption continues at the current rate. Therefore, the Christchurch City Council has developed a Draft Water Supply Strategy aimed at conserving our drinking water, which comes mainly from aquifers beneath the city and is among the highest quality […]

ERMA revokes approvals for use of toxic pesticide

ERMA revokes approvals for use of toxic pesticide

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has revoked approvals for the use of the pesticide methyl parathion in New Zealand. Methyl parathion is a broad-spectrum organophosphate pesticide effective against insects and mites. Formulations containing methyl parathion were first registered for use in New Zealand in 1961 but no products have been registered since 2004.