
New beekeeping service launched in Auckland

Landscape company Natural Habitats is now a trusted provider and maintainers of beehives.

Bees can no longer survive in the wild in NZ, shocking fact considering they are responsible for the pollination of 80% of plant species. Global decline in bee populations due to Varroa mite, pesticides, disease and loss of habitat is wiping out bees and leading to reduced food crops around New Zealand and the world. This alarming phenomenon is known as Colony Collapse Disorder.

In response to the crisis, Logan Gilmour, a team leader in the Natural Habitats Garden Care Divison, is now a fully trained apiarist.

“I have always had a passion for gardens and the environment and the more I learnt about the crisis facing our bee populations the more I wanted to find a way to help, becoming an apiarist was just the next step” says Logan.

Bees are important pollinators in the urban environment, installing a hive assist in developing the infrastructure for self sufficiency and social change.

A healthy hive can  produce in excess of 30kg of honey per year, dramatically increase the yield of fruit trees and other flowering species as well as assist in maintaining and increasing bee populations in New Zealand.

Natural Habitats also supports the Trees for Bees programme, which aims to reduce so called ‘green deserts’ by promoting bee-friendly land management.

Our design, build and care teams are working with our clients to incorporate these principles into residential and commercial landscapes and public open space.

Logan has been working closely with Auckland Beekeepers club president Kim Kneijber and Maureen Maxwell who is responsible for Wild Forage and Bees Online.

So far he has set up two hives at our Ellerslie office and removed several large swarms from staff beehives and clients properties.

Honey from urban bees is known for its rich taste, something our Marketing Manager Lydia Franken can personally verify we just harvested honey from our hive; it’s a beautiful golden amber colour and tastes amazing.” Lydia also believes that is no coincidence that her avocado tree has produced a bumper crop this season.

Our beekeepers can set up hives on balconies, in gardens, commercial properties and even on rooftops. Our aim is to give you the BEEnefits without the hassle.

Our Apiary services

  • Site inspection for hive location
  • Custom hive designs
  • Supply/installation of fully functioning hive and Queen Bee
  • Regular servicing
  • Levees and compliance requirements
  • On-site honey harvesting
  • Disease inspections/management
  • Emergency (swarm) response

For more information please contact Natural Habitats.


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