
The Importance of Sulphur in Plants and in Us.

Sulphur is a basic element of nature and is one of the most abundant elements in the earth’s crust. Like nitrogen, sulphur is an essential component in the growth of all living things.
Sulfur or sulphur (American spelling and English spelling) is the chemical element that has the symbol S and atomic number 16.
It is an abundant, tasteless, multivalent non-metal. Sulphur, in its native form, is a yellow crystalline solid. In nature, it can be found as the pure element or as sulfide and sulfate minerals. It is an essential element for life and is found in two amino acids, cysteine and methionine. Its commercial uses are primarily in fertilizers, but it is also widely used in gunpowder, matches, insecticides and fungicides.
The recognition of the importance of sulphate for plant growth and vigour and hence crop yield, as well as the nutritional importance of sulphur for human and animal diets, has led to an increased emphasis on research on the processes of sulphate uptake, transport and assimilation.
After entry into the plant, sulphate is the major form of transported as well as stored sulphur. The delivery of sulphate into plastids for assimilation, sulphate storage within the vacuoles, and the long-distance transport between organs in order to fulfil the source/sink demands during plant growth require specific sulphate transporter proteins.
Sulphur is a building block of proteins, enzymes and vitamins and is a key ingredient in the formation of chlorophyll. Crops which are sulphur deficient typically show stunted or tall spindly growth, general yellowing of younger leaves and reduced seed set.
Recently I received an email from a reader that contained an article by Patrick McGean, Director of Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study, Body Human Project; in the United States.
The study was inspired by a fatal type of breast cancer. This type of germ cell reproductive cancer had been reported to respond to organic sulfur. While researching this cancer it appeared that the sulfur cycle plays an important role in the regeneration of our cells. The Study also discovered that it appeared that the use of chemical fertilizers had effectively broken the sulfur cycle in those countries which use these fertilizers.
The article states; ‘Diseases we hadn’t even heard of have become typical, cancer has grown at an unprecedented rate, and the quality of our food has been greatly diminished. Is there a correlation? Since 1954 all disease rates in the US have gone up approximately 4,000%. In 1954 chemical fertilizers were mandated by our government. Fertilizers such as ammonium nitrates and sulfates, which lack bio available appear to have broken the sulfur cycle. This appears to have contributed to the decline of our health, wealth, mental acuity, and our quality of life. We believe when the Study has completed is work that this will clearly demonstrates the connection of the lack of sulfur and the inability of cells to regenerate in a healthy manner.
Sulfur is known to bond with almost every other mineral. Sulfur has demonstrated its ability to detoxify heavy metals in conjunction with the transport of oxygen across the cell membrane, thus allowing regeneration. Sulfur is also the key player as a precursor for the utilization of amino acids, which are the body’s building blocks. Of all of the amino acids some 70% are sulfur based.’
There are two types of sulphur; elemental sulphur which we use in various forms for gardening and organic sulphur (methylsulfonylmethane or MSM) which is the sulphur derived from plants.
MSM is found in some health type shops but the study has found that these MSM’s packaged with anti-caking ingredients,  block the bio availability of sulfur to the cells. The same thing happens when organic sulfur is released into the sea or evaporates and falls with rain, that sulfur is bound up by the chemical fertilizers as sulfites and sulfates. This meant that early studies with participants showed no change in their health. The study then found a pure source of MSM and results started to happen to the participants.
Organic sulfur by comparison to commercially available MSM is a remarkable mineral for arthritis, and produces the effects which have been reported. Those who had been taking Organic Sulfur reported much less pain and increased motility. Many reported the straightening of finger joints along with the resolution of internal scar tissue around the joints.
Gastrointestinal disorders including acid indigestion, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, and chronic constipation have been addressed with a dosage of organic sulfur at a 4% level of body weight twice daily.
Skin conditions including acne, psoriasis, rosacea, toe nail fungus, burns, liver spots, and disorders associated with Lupus Erythematosus have been eliminated. Sulfur can be used both internally and externally but the cells which demonstrate the problem originate from the endothelial layer of the skin.
The results which were the most startling was the number of open heart procedures which had been scheduled and were cancelled when the individual’s EKG returned to normal. This happened in as little as 6 weeks of ingesting Organic Sulfur. 54 cases have been reported. Our blood vessels also regenerate and we believe that these cancelled surgical procedures could be an example of such regeneration. The group has also seen the reduction of scar tissue, high blood pressure and the breakdown of calcium plaque in the arteries. Organic sulfur would therefore benefit Alzheimer’s’ sufferers.
The trial is taking place over many years as it takes seven years for all our body’s cells to regenerate.
In a nut shell we should be getting our organic sulphur from the vegetables and fruit we eat but due to the extensive use of chemical fertilisers this is not happening. But us home gardeners can easily rectify this by firstly not using the chemical fertilisers and ensuring that there is sufficient sulphur available to food plants in our gardens.
Gypsum is an excellent source of both Calcium and Sulphur – essential for both yield and grain quality  – but its benefits go much further. It also helps improve soil structure and balance the soil by both adding Calcium and displacing harmful Sodium.
I have always been a strong advocate for Gypsum especially in the way it breaks up clay type soils, making them workable for gardening. Two or three applications a year to your vegetable and fruit gardens will assist in obtaining a natural plant source of sulphur in your food chain.
For those readers that are interested in reading the full article mentioned and have email access, send me an email and I will forward the article to you.
You can also participate in the study if you would like to and the contact details will be made available with the article.
I have already done so and have imported a shipment of pure MSM from the States for my personal use.
Note that pure MSM is a food not a drug.

9 comments on “The Importance of Sulphur in Plants and in Us.

  1. phyllis on said:

    I’d like to know where I can find organic sulphur. I have MSM pills from GNC.
    I think I have GERD and constipation/ congestion in the small intestines. Will organic sulphur help?

  2. phyllis on said:

    Will organic sulphur help?

    OOPS!! Please delete my last name!!!!!

  3. I would like to read the whole article ‘The Importance of Sulphur in Plants and in Us’
    Thank you

  4. Martin on said:

    for years I have suffered from roscea tried everything . Please tell me where I can buy organic sulpher to apply externally for my roscea[face] Also where abouts in america can I purchase pure MSM I would like to take them in conjunction with the sulpher. I am desperate for a cure for this coplaint. Martin

  5. londiwe on said:


  6. faisal on said:

    send the related articles to my mail

  7. Jane King on said:

    Can you tell me if sulpher is used in cureing shingles

  8. can it be made into a paste to apply to scalp for dandruff or itchy skin ?

  9. landscapedesignnz on said:

    Hmm not sure about that. 

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