

It’s time to plant new and maintain existing roses in your garden.

Featured Rose Gallery


Selected Roses available exclusively from Roache’s Nursery – Roach’s Rose List & Order Form
Sunset Glow – Floribunda
One of the brightest orange roses ever. Brilliant vermillion orange blooms
with strong healthy disease resistant growth. Sunset Glow is quick to re-flower.
Hamilton Gardens – Hybrid Tea
Blooms of blended cream suffused with shades of soft pink and apricot and the occasional hint
of coral. A great picking rose with glossy healthy growth.
Summer Passion – Floribunda
Eyecatching blooms of light pinky orange which are lighter in the centre.
Strong healthy growth and disease resistant. Very quick to re flower..

A quick guide to help with planting and caring for your roses during winter…


Dig a hole a little deeper than the container and twice as wide, the bud union should be slightly above ground level.

  • DO NOT PUT FERTILIZER IN THE BOTTOM OF THE HOLE, only good quality compost.
  • Remove bag or pot AVOID TEASING THE ROOTS , place the rose straight into the hole.
  • Water well, fill in hole and press firmly around the plant.
  • Plant bushes roses not less than 80 cm apart and for standards not less than 100 cm apart.
  • Roses need an open, sunny position, protected from winds. They can tolerate a few hours shade but prefer at least six hours of sunshine on a average day.


If are you buying your new roses in the winter they will still need pruning as well as any established ones you may have. Prune just before the spring growth commences, in most areas around mid July.

When pruning roses you must completely remove all old wood and spindly growth. All dieback removed to a clean healthy bud. Prune to buds from behind and slightly above the bud at approx 45 degree angle. Aim for a well shaped and open bush or shrub.

Treat standard roses the same as bush roses.

Climbers are pruned in a similar manner except that the younger strong shoots are not shortened back, but attached to the fence to spread out as evenly as possible. Old growth and unwanted branches should be removed.

Use pruning paint on bigger cuts.

When you have finished remove all pruning rubbish and dead leaves from around your plant.


Apply a winter spray 1 week after pruning using EITHER Lime Sulphur OR White oil plus Copper Oxychloride. If using Lime Sulphur spray you must wait at least 2 weeks before spraying with Copper Oxychloride, as the two sprays are not compatible.

Use protective clothing etc when spraying

Always read the instructions carefully and carry out all the safety recommendations.

Careful pruning, watering and most importantly feeding will encourage healthy roses for years to come.

Judi Roach – Roache’s Nurseries & Garden Centre Limited

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