
Mother thrush and her wee babies – Tim Durrant

Sometime between Christmas and New Year a tree blew down in our front garden exposing a mother thrush incubating her eggs. I decided to take some careful zoom photos of her over several days until the eggs hatched. Here are the results. I will take some more as they get a bit older.

Nesting on her eggs

Nesting on her eggs

Mother thrush keeps her chicks warm by fluffing up her feathers

Mother thrush keeps her chicks warm by fluffing up her feathers

Mother thrush is away for a worm or two

Mother thrush is away for a worm or two

Bring us food please

Bring us food please

One comment on “Mother thrush and her wee babies – Tim Durrant

  1. Unfortunately they did not make it. I think there was not enough shelter when the branch fell off the tree and exposed them to a lot of sun. Maybe that or the ground was just too hard to get any worms. Bugger.

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