
Have your say on restoration of Te Raekaihau Point

Community views are now being sought on a new draft landscape plan for the restoration of Te Raekaihau Point, between Houghton Bay and Lyall Bay, on Wellington’s South Coast.

The draft landscape plan was developed following an initial round of consultation earlier in the year which provided feedback on what Wellingtonians valued about the Point and what they wanted to see there.

The plan proposes to limit vehicle access to parts of the Point and to start an ecological restoration programme, including weed control. Other initiatives include providing better and safer pedestrian access around the Point, improving access to the headland track and lookout above the Point, and providing seating for sightseers and picnickers. All plants used will be eco-sourced (native plants from local seed for local use).

For those interested in finding out more about the project, the Council will be holding two open sessions, with detailed plans and experts on-hand, at the following times and places:

•     Tuesday 27 October, 7-9pm, at Kilbirnie/Lyall Bay Community Centre, 56-58 Bay Road, Kilbirnie

•     Sunday 1 November, 1-3pm, at Te Raekaihau Point (or Kilbirnie/Lyall Bay Community Centre if the weather is wet or very windy).

The plans can also be viewed, and feedback provided, online at , or by picking up a brochure from your local library, the City Service Centre at 101 Wakefield Street or by phoning 499 4444. Feedback is required by 5pm on Friday 20 November 2009.

The Council’s Environment Portfolio Leader, Councillor Celia Wade-Brown, says many Wellingtonians love Te Raekaihau Point’s undeveloped appearance but uncontrolled vehicle activity and weeds have taken their toll over the years. She is keen to see access to the popular marine reserve managed to prevent coastal plants from being trampled and to control run-off from the car park.

“Some of the issues raised by people and addressed in the draft plan include retaining the rugged and wild coastal environment, keeping the site undeveloped and informal, making the Point accessible to a range of users, limiting car parking and improving access to the headland’s walking tracks.

“I know there are varying community views on how much car parking should be provided and I urge people with strong views on this and other matters to have their say.”

The draft plan will be amended depending on public feedback and the major work completed next year.  Restoration planting and pest control will continue over the next few years.

Up to $350,000 of Charles Plimmer Bequest funding is available for this project.

For further information, please contact:

Cr Celia Wade-Brown, Environment Portfolio Leader, phone 9386691 or 027 483 6691

Karen London, Council Communications, phone 803 8682 or 021 247 8682.

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