
Revitalising Rotorua’s Lakefront and CBD

Rotorua District Council’s (RDC) plans for revitalising the CBD and Rotorua Lakefront reached a milestone today with the release of a document that lays out the desired future look of the city centre.

The Urban Design Framework provides an overall concept and direction for new and existing developments, proposes a new zone for the lakefront area, and offers a series of recommendations to attract economic growth and tourists to the city centre.

RDC chief executive Peter Guerin says the first step taken for improving the vibe in the city centre was the Revitalisation Strategy developed in 2006.

“City centre revitalisation was identified as one of the top priority actions following extensive community consultation.

Some successful projects already contributing to the overall direction of the city centre include Eat Streat, the Lakefront Concept Plan and the Rotorua Night Market.

“The Urban Design Framework will continue to bring positive change, and sets the scene for shaping the future of the city centre. A good design for our city centre will encourage economic growth, create a safe environment and attract investment.”

Projects featured in the framework will be delivered in stages and will collectively achieve an integrated approach for improving the city centre.

Mr Guerin says the council looks forward to hearing community feedback on the framework by 17 September.

The framework is available on RDC website and residents can also pick up an information pack from City Focus, Rotorua District Library, or RDC Civic Centre.

Residents’ comments will be used in the District Plan Review, which will implement some of the recommendations proposed by the framework.

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