
Tag: "Food"

We Owe our Lives to Fascinating Plants

We Owe our Lives to Fascinating Plants

We exist because of plants! Plants are the basis of our life on Earth – without them we would not survive. But most of us take them for granted, giving them little thought from day to day. Today is the first global Fascination of Plants Day and we should all take time to stop and […]

Planting Made Easy

Planting Made Easy

With the burgeoning interest of city dwellers in growing their own food, one of the key challenges to food gardeners has been resolved with a new release of the organic gardening web site. At the click of mouse, gardeners from any location in Australia, USA and New Zealand can select by day, month or plant […]



Swine Flu and natural immunity Recently our attention has been drawn to the global spread of Swine Flu. News reports are full of what is happening around the globe, along with some cases in our own country. It has to be a health problem of some concern to everyone.  What I find interesting about this […]

Autumn recipe - Mushroom Risotto

Autumn recipe – Mushroom Risotto

A lovely creamy Autumnal risotto, perfect for a cold night. Serves 4



A couple of weeks back, I mentioned that researchers had determined that two factors in our conventional food chain are having adverse effects on our health, namely; The amount of chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicide and fertilisers that are in our food chain, many of which affect our health over a period of time. Some of […]

Your Food Chain

Your Food Chain

Last weeks article on pure sulphur derived from plants (methylsulfonylmethane or MSM) appeared to create a lot of interest as I received a lot of emails and phone calls in regards to it. Many of the callers where gardeners in my own age group or a bit older and most commented on how the nutritional […]