
Tag: "organic gardening"

When to plant

When to plant

A gardener with a good micro-climate; as a result of the terrain, or by established trees, making a sheltered hot spot which can be planting out a month or more before it is safe for another gardener to do so, just up the road. When you buy packets of seeds you will find on the packet […]

Some gardening tips - Wally Richards

Some gardening tips – Wally Richards

Gardening tips are items that can make gardening easier, save you money and time as well as obtaining better results. Experienced gardeners, learn from each other, methods that are an advantage in their gardening endeavours. Most of the following tips have originally come from other gardeners and the writer has noted the common sense of […]

Wally Richards - Worms: the gardener's little helper

Wally Richards – Worms: the gardener’s little helper

It’s a fact: earthworms are the greatest garden helpers you can have. The more worms you have in your garden, the healthier your plants will be. Sadly many gardens are lacking in earthworms and often the reason for this is because water soluble fertilisers have been used such as Superphosphate, General Purpose Fertiliser, Rose Fertiliser, […]

Citrus tree care & advice

Citrus tree care & advice

Potential problems you may encounter with growing and caring for citrus. An important aspect for your citrus tree is the area between the trunk and the drip line. This is the area where you want micro organisms to work and thrive, so avoid using any Herbicides, chemical sprays and fertilisers it this area. Instead hand […]

January Gardening

January Gardening

There has been a lot of interest and feed back in regards to the recent article about the use of aspirin as a garden spray to assist plants in protecting themselves against diseases and pest insects. The first thing to understand is that any spray of aspirin, is not likely to cure any problem you […]

A few tip’s for gardeners – Wally Richards

A few tip’s for gardeners – Wally Richards

Recently I received a couple of new tips which might be of interest to you.

Labour Weekend Garden Tasks

Labour Weekend Garden Tasks

Labour Weekend has arrived  and it is the traditional time for gardeners to plant out their more tender plants such as tomatoes, cucumbers and Impatiens. Even planting out on Labour Weekend can often be too soon for tender plants if a late frost happens.

Tutor teaches permaculture improves home economy

Tutor teaches permaculture improves home economy

NorthTec tutor teaches how permaculture can improve home economy from property near Silverdale NorthTec tutor Betsy Kettle is teaching students how to make the most of their land and reduce their living costs from her property near Silverdale, north of Auckland. Betsy has delivered programmes from her home since 2006 and uses her whole property […]