
Tag: "Winter gardens"

Wally Richards - it's clean up time

Wally Richards – it’s clean up time

Now that we’re into June and heading quickly towards the shortest day, it is a good time to clean up a few things around our garden to prepare for spring. Deciduous plants such as roses and a number of fruit trees, have either lost their leaves or in the process of doing, so can be […]

Digger Dan - Planting for the coldest day of the year

Digger Dan – Planting for the coldest day of the year

A positive way of looking at mid-winter is to plant edibles such as strawberries and garlic that go into the ground when it’s cold and damp. But remember none of these will survive in boggy soils. Garlic & Shallots are available to plant – dig compost through your soil or fill a container with Living […]

Wally Richards - getting ready for winter

Wally Richards – getting ready for winter

Now is the time to prepare ourselves and our gardens for winter. We are prompted by advertisements and common sense to prepare for the coming short daylight hours and the cold that winter brings. We endeavour to make ourselves and our homes “as snug as a bug in a rug” by getting in the firewood, […]

Wally Richards – Checklist for Spring

Wally Richards – Checklist for Spring

The weather may not be the best but each day the daylight hours increase by a few more minutes and our plants and gardens respond to this increasing amount of light. We are only about 6 weeks away from the beginning of spring and there is much to do in this time so that you […]

Winter Gardens

Winter Gardens

Winter for most of us is a time for staying indoors relishing the warmth of open fires and hot food. As the temperature drops, so does the desire to be outdoors in the garden…. But a garden in winter does not need to be dreary and bare. Although a winter garden lacks the joy of […]