Helping our honey bees survive
Ginny Clayton discovers that there are many herbs and plants in our gardens which will aid the survival of our endangered honey bee.
Ginny Clayton discovers that there are many herbs and plants in our gardens which will aid the survival of our endangered honey bee.
Wally shares information and advice on growing your own potatoes and imparts a secret technique for producing the best spuds ever.
With the milder winter we are experiencing, I was very surprised how the weeds in the garden had advanced over the last few weeks.
Fads come and go over time and some linger on such as Silver Dollar trees and garden gnomes. Recently I came across a Silver Dollar tree, bringing back memories of a time when these trees were really popular. The tree was Eucalyptus cinerea. A fast growing specimen that can grow up to six metres in […]
Boron deficiency has been recognised as one of the most common micro nutrient problems in agriculture with large areas of the world (including NZ) being boron deficient. The following explains how Boron is vital to your gardens. Boron is a semi-metallic trace element which is essential for plant growth and the availability of this micro […]
Now that we’re into June and heading quickly towards the shortest day, it is a good time to clean up a few things around our garden to prepare for spring. Deciduous plants such as roses and a number of fruit trees, have either lost their leaves or in the process of doing, so can be […]
A positive way of looking at mid-winter is to plant edibles such as strawberries and garlic that go into the ground when it’s cold and damp. But remember none of these will survive in boggy soils. Garlic & Shallots are available to plant – dig compost through your soil or fill a container with Living […]
Autumn and early winter in the garden means that all the deciduous trees will be dropping their leaves and for the keen home gardener they are a free, valuable garden conditioner. Leaf mold is an excellent, free soil amendment. It is easy to make, simple to use, and has a huge impact on soil health. […]