
Find Lawn & Turf in the Bay of Plenty.

Are you looking for lawn and turf in the Bay of Plenty – including Tauranga, Mt Maunganui, Te Puke, Papamoa, Whakatane, Opotiki and other areas? Or anything to do with lawn and turf; such as instant lawn, turf supply, irrigation, hydroseeding, lawn mowing, or rotary hoeing?

Image courtesy of Planet Turf, Hastings.

Image courtesy of Planet Turf, Hastings.

Find Find Hydroseeding – spray on lawn seed in the Bay of Plenty

Find Find Instant Lawn – roll turf supply in the Bay of Plenty

Find Find Irrigation Equipment and Services in the Bay of Plenty

Find Find Lawnmowing Service in the Bay of Plenty

Find Find Rotary Hoeing in the Bay of Plenty

2 comments on “Find Lawn & Turf in the Bay of Plenty.

  1. Hello, I am seeking the author of the photo above “Image courtesy of Planet Turf, Hastings” file called “file635-l.jpg” I mean the lawn with exclusive stripes.

    I am interesting about this image in high resulution.
    Could you help me please?


  2. Hi Tomas,

    We don’t have a high resolution version sorry – try for free stock photos – you should find something there.


    Tim Durrant

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