
Wally Richards – Autumn in the Garden

Autumn is a great time to garden so get out there and enjoy it.

It is the last chance to sow or plant any winter vegetables and flowers.  This is really only for the next few weeks and after that it is likely a waste of time as they will not mature in winter and will go to seed in the spring. With flowers that is not such a concern but you will not get the best displays if you plant too late.

Spring bulbs can start to be planted now or soon as the soil moistens up; or you are diligent with your watering. Garden centres have their spring bulbs in now so don’t delay. The sooner they are in the ground and looked after the earlier you will have your spring show.

If you are planing to sow a new lawn or oversow an existing one, now is the time to get started. The area should be prepared for sowing and kept moist to germinate any weed seeds. After you have killed off all the weed seedlings possible then you can sow your lawn.
Autumn is the very best time to sow a lawn as you have good germination and establishment prior to going into winter. During winter growth is slow but the roots are able to establish better and then good growth through the spring time, thus the lawn is ready for the coming harder times of summer.

Pest insects that have taken over during the summer are heading to their demise as winter approaches. Lots of them will winter over and cause you the same old headaches next season unless you do something to knock back their numbers now. Sprays of Neem Tree Oil with or without Key Pyrethrum will certainly help reduce the number left to winter over.

Later on in winter, deciduous plants such as roses can be treated with sprays of Lime Sulphur which will help further reduce dormant insect numbers. Then a few good frosts will aid us no end. In spring with the first sign of insect pests emerging you need to control immediately to prevent a great problem in summer.

If planting out any brassicas now for winter ensure that you put Neem Tree granules in the planting hole and on the soil under the plants to reduce caterpillar damage.


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