
Designers front for Auckland’s new garden design event

The Garden Design Society of New Zealand (GDSNZ) and Newmarket Rotary have joined forces, unveiling plans for a new garden design event kicking off in Auckland this spring.

The inaugural Auckland Garden DesignFest will take place on 19 & 20 November.

Whilst the concept is unique to New Zealand, the format and name have been borrowed from a highly successful event held every two years in Melbourne.

Trish Bartleet designed garden

Professional garden designers have been invited to submit gardens which best reflect their style and the finest examples will be featured during the weekend garden event. Gardens will range in size from courtyards through to large estates but all have in common an outcome that has perfectly met the clients’ lifestyle and brief. Most of the gardens shortlisted for the event have not been open to the public before and it is a credit to the designers that private owners have generously agreed to open their gates.

Bringing this popular concept to New Zealand was the brainchild of Rose Thodey, a well known garden author and Chairperson of the GDSNZ.

“Rather than people submitting their own gardens, our event is like a living portfolio for New Zealand’s top designers. Every garden accepted will have earned its place by clearly demonstrating the skill of the designer in perfectly meeting the client’s brief. Another unique aspect of this event is that all gardens have been professionally constructed.
Designers will be fronting the gardens rather than owners, offering visitors the opportunity to meet with them informally.

“Professional design integrated with expert construction ensures the integrity of the design vision and this has been part of the selection criteria. That’s also why the first people we approached to sponsor our event were Second Nature who specialise in construction and ongoing garden care  and the preferred choice by a number of the designers exhibiting in our event,” says Thodey.

All proceeds from the two-day event will go to Newmarket Rotary’s charity partners KidsCan, Canteen and Ronald McDonald House Auckland.

The GDSNZ will be announcing next week the final list of gardens. Whilst the event is Auckland- based, designers nationwide have been invited to submit gardens for consideration.

“We have been overwhelmed by support from the garden design community. We seem to have tapped into a real gap in the market. We want visitors to be inspired, have a great day out and support these fantastic charities,” says Thodey.

“We are very grateful to our friends at Newmarket Rotary and the Garden Design Society for bringing such a unique event to Auckland whilst helping the many families who benefit from Ronald McDonald House Auckland.  We hope that as many visitors as possible get behind this event,”says Wayne Howett CE from Ronald McDonald House Auckland.

Tickets to the Auckland Garden DesignFest can be pre-purchased for $40 for a multiple day ticket or $5 to enter a single garden. Tickets can also be purchased at the event for $50.

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