
The Almighty Ponga and little knows facts

The good old Ponga log is as kiwi as fish and chips, boy racers and the word “prang”. Traditionally Ponga was used by Maori for medicinal and structural purposes. The leaf stalk is used as a treatment for skin problems, as a poultice for boils and abbesses and has antiseptic properties. Ponga gum can be taken internally to expel worms and the fronds can be boiled to prepare a remedy for diabetes; so there you go…

Cyathea dealbata – Silver Fern, Ponga

The trunks in their various forms have been used for whare (house) walls, structures and fortifications.

The Ponga also supports the leaves of the ‘silver fern’ an iconic symbol of Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Ponga logs available for gardening are sustainably sourced and are bi-products of the plantation forestry industry. They can be used as living walls to create lush green screens and many other uses including retaining walls and carvings to name but a few.

Landscaping ideas – a ponga log bathroom! – from Julie at Ponga’s Direct
If you are looking for inspiration for how ponga logs can be used in your garden, a great place to stop off is YardArt Designs & Landscape Supplies near Pukekohe. Tricia Joe from YardArt  has come up with a rather unique display for our pongas that she has called their “ponga bathroom”.

The Pongas Direct ponga logs have been used as the walls of the display bathroom, including a window framed into the ponga. There’s a bath that nestles in well among the ponga and of course no ponga bathroom would be complete without a toilet! The ponga logs have a natural raw look and the trunks are sprouting little plants. Go around the corner of the display and the bathroom theme continues. There is a shower area in the shape of a koru with the walls again all made of ponga logs. This display is definitely worth a look!

2 comments on “The Almighty Ponga and little knows facts

  1. Tony Stent on said:

    Can we top 4 metre tall pongas which are chafing our roofline? If so, what time of year is best?

    Tony Stent

  2. Hi Tony,

    Yes you can. Chop them to the height you want and keep them watered from the top down.

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