Permeable Hard Landscaping Solutions – a new approach to drainage
We need to act now to improve the management of water in the urban setting. Rather than seeing water in the built environment as a threat, we should take the opportunity to protect and use it more carefully.
Managing storm water by harvesting and returning it to the water table is one way this can be achieved.
Surface water drainage from developed areas is increasingly affecting our river catchments. As development intensifies, more water runs rapidly into rivers and less filters through the soil. By effectively sealing the ground, it can (and does) lead to localised flooding and water pollution. This will only get worse as our climate changes.
A new approach to drainage that keeps water on site longer, prevents pollution and allows storage and use of the water is now in place. StoneSet plays a major part in this approach with its permeable paving guidelines.
These systems are designed to mimic the natural movement of water from an urban development reducing flood risks and improving water quality. Additionally, the systems can provide attractive features which can make towns and cities more desirable places to live in, enhancing quality of life.
One of the key features of all StoneSet products is full permeability. This feature makes them ideal products for use where water harvesting or drainage is important.
With the right build up of StoneSet resin bound aggregates laid directly onto well compacted permeable basecourse in pedestrian applications, or directly onto a Atlantis Gravel Cell filled with free draining gravels for vehicle applications, the result is a seamless, yet completely permeable surface.
Building a permeable paved area is a very simple installation. The specification for an area of StoneSet is a well compacted layer of permeable basecourse, or simply leveling the existing ground with 8mm free draining aggregates, then a 52mm layer of Atlantis Gravel Cell filled with a free draining aggregate. Although not necessary for areas just for foot traffic, Atlantis Gravel Cell is great for storing high volume of water aswell as giving a firm structure required for vehicular traffic, and has a crush strength of 148 tons/per m², usually unachievable with no fines gravels. The area is compacted once more before finally installing a 30mm layer of StoneSet. Once cured (4-5 hours for pedestrian traffic and 24 hours for vehicular) the area is ready for the expected load with a permeable rate of over 5ltrs/sec/m².
Demand is high for eco-friendly, water harvesting paving and StoneSet can assist with your project and deliver great results. Our technical sales team and network of approved installers across New Zealand are happy to discuss your project requirements. Visit our directory listing for more information and contact details.

Atlantis Gravel Cell installation filled with free draining gravels

StoneSet resin bound paving laid at 30mm, directly onto the Atlantis Gravel Cell

StoneSet permeable driveway in 6mm Flow aggregate