
Timeless Jars and Pots

Pots are a great way to create focal points and instant features to your garden. There are many styles that come and go over the years including  aluminium, terracotta, stone and concrete. Atlantis pots have a classic timeless appeal and can look great on their own or in groups.

Atlantis pots are made by pressing sheets of clay into moulds, when the clay has dried somewhat the mould is removed carefully. They make sure the mould has produced the right shape & left to dry, all this is done by hand, and even the clay the pots are made of is blended by hand.

If you are interested to learn more about quality Pots, Vases and their availability visit Country Village  who have a huge range.

Once dry the pot is loaded into a dragon kiln. A dragon kiln is so named as it looks like a dragon lying on a hillside. This type of kiln is loaded with timber and fires the pots to about 1100 degrees so these pots are frost proof.

Once the pots have been fired in a dragon kiln and it has cooled down, the pots are unloaded. The glaze is applied at this stage and then the pots are loaded into a beehive kiln. The beehive kiln fires the glaze onto the pots. Curiously enough, the pots come out all looking blue or green.

The pots come out with quite a lot of loose material on them which is brushed off giving an aged timeless effect.

If you are interested to learn more about quality Pots, Vases and their availability visit Country Village  who have a huge range.

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