
Q and A with new Landscaping New Zealand President Adam Pollard

What is your background within the Industry?

I have been involved in the landscape industry full time for the last 16 years.  I have been managing director of Morgan and Pollard Landscapes for the last 4 years.  My background was in the construction industry but the flexibility and freedom of design is what drew me back to landscaping.

I was voted onto the executive committee in 2002 and took on the training manager role.  Since then I have sat on and in later years chaired the Hort ITO board.

Seeing that the landscape industry can be quite singular I saw it as a great way to get to know other people in the industry and network with suppliers.  It is always good to talk to like minded people that deal with the same issues that we all have.

What are the key areas you will be developing with Landscaping New Zealand?

  • Building value in the Landscaping New Zealand brand so that landscapers want to join and see the real benefits in doing so.
  • We will be working on lifting the profile to the public as this will help with the first goal.
  • Building partnerships with our allied members to build benefits for all members.
  • We will also be working on setting the organisation up for the future with the AGM allowing us to appoint a paid part time executive officer.

What are the main strengths you bring to this new role?

I have had a long time on the executive committee so I have seen how different initiatives have gone over the time.  I believe in long term goals and letting people fulfil their potential.  I also believe it needs to be fun as we all give up time to do this and what’s the point if you can not have a laugh while you are doing it.  Happy people get a lot more done!

What challenges is the industry facing?

There are a number of challenges facing the landscape industry such as –

  • Complex legislation and new requirements for licensing for some building work.
  • Maintaining the professionalism and quality in a price cutting culture.
  • Keeping the point of difference from other industries coming into the landscape industry.
  • Continuing to train our younger landscapers so that we do not have the skill shortage in another 10 years like we have now.

Most of these challenges are not new and our industry and we continue to help the public see the industry as a professional one.

Do you have a personal vision for Landscaping New Zealand?

To have the same profile as some of the other industry organisations so when the public think of landscaping they think of Landscaping NZ

To be a professional, robust, self funding organisation that gives great support to the industry and its members.

What hobbies, interests and activities do you do outside of work?

Really most outdoor activities such as diving, skiing, trail riding, fishing and of course spending time with my family!

One comment on “Q and A with new Landscaping New Zealand President Adam Pollard

  1. Hi Adam,

    Congratulations on your new role. I look forward to working with you.

    Penny Cliffin
    Senior Lecturer
    Department of Landscape Architecture

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