Meridian First Light house takes visitors on unique landscape journey
Straddling two worlds presented challenges for this house.
Straddling two worlds presented challenges for this house.
Spring is the time when the new season’s growth really starts to happen which is a result of the extending day light hours along with the warmer temperatures. One thing that you will notice is that the new growth on roses and other plants is very healthy. There are a few reasons for this which […]
Weeds are both a boon and a curse to gardeners. You may ask what advantage is there in having weeds? Two aspects immediately spring to mind, weeds are a free source of organic matter for composting and mulching but must be cut and harvested before they set seeds. The second advantage is a much more […]
Eco-friendly gardening is the way of the future It’s strange to think that just by getting out in the garden we could be damaging the environment, but it’s true, says Awapuni gardening guru, Tod Palenski. “Just think about all that watering, all those fertilisers, all that lawn mowing . These things do have an environmental […]