
Category: Soil Health

Wally Richards - seasonal pests

Wally Richards – seasonal pests

Two seasonal pests are going to emerge over the next few weeks: the Codlin Moth and the Grass Grub Beetle.

Digger Dan: growing tips for October

Digger Dan: growing tips for October

Labour weekend is the perfect time to get your garden ready for summer.

Wally Richards: Spring cleaning time

Wally Richards: Spring cleaning time

Spring cleaning jobs in the garden and how to protect your fragile seedlings from pests.

Companion planting: who likes eachother?

Companion planting: who likes eachother?

Wally Richards tells us which vegetables love being next door neighbours

Daylight saving: time for pottering & planting tomatoes

Daylight saving: time for pottering & planting tomatoes

Wally Richards says it’s time to plant our tomatoes but beware the dreaded psyllid pest.

Wally Richards: it's a kinda magic

Wally Richards: it’s a kinda magic

Wally Richards writes that he’s found the greatest gardening product since the invention of the spade.

Wally Richards - growing healthy roses

Wally Richards – growing healthy roses

Wally Richards gives advice on growing healthy roses and managing pests in your garden.

Wally Richards - Leaves, nature's soil conditioner

Wally Richards – Leaves, nature’s soil conditioner

Autumn and early winter in the garden means that all the deciduous treesĀ  will be dropping their leaves and for the keen home gardener they are a free, valuable garden conditioner. Leaf mold is an excellent, free soil amendment. It is easy to make, simple to use, and has a huge impact on soil health. […]