
Tag: "Garden care"

Wally Richards: a new weed control weapon

Wally Richards: a new weed control weapon

Gardening expert Wally Richards tells us about a new weapon available to fight weeds.

Wally Richards: Spring cleaning time

Wally Richards: Spring cleaning time

Spring cleaning jobs in the garden and how to protect your fragile seedlings from pests.

Wally Richards: it's a kinda magic

Wally Richards: it’s a kinda magic

Wally Richards writes that he’s found the greatest gardening product since the invention of the spade.

Wally Richards - weeds & wellbeing

Wally Richards – weeds & wellbeing

With the milder winter we are experiencing, I was very surprised how the weeds in the garden had advanced over the last few weeks.

Digger Dan's May gardening tips

Digger Dan’s May gardening tips

The Fruit & Vegetable Garden Fallow veggie beds – ‘resting’ your edible garden over winter, particularly where there’s less sun on it, can be a good idea. Remove finished plants and dig in some Living Earth Compost (available from our yards by the bag, the trailer-load or home delivery). For raised beds this is very […]

Wally Richards - managing winter in the garden

Wally Richards – managing winter in the garden

Over the next  three months we can expect a number of frosts and wet weather, both of which have their advantages and disadvantages for our gardens. The advantages are the killing off of some insect pests and wiping out a few disease spores. The disadvantages are possible loss or damage to plants that are susceptible […]

Wally Richards - getting ready for winter

Wally Richards – getting ready for winter

Now is the time to prepare ourselves and our gardens for winter. We are prompted by advertisements and common sense to prepare for the coming short daylight hours and the cold that winter brings. We endeavour to make ourselves and our homes “as snug as a bug in a rug” by getting in the firewood, […]

Wally Richards - Lawn Care & Pests

Wally Richards – Lawn Care & Pests

Autumn is the time to look to your lawns and do a bit of work as needed. Thatch is a problem in most lawns and needs to be removed. It is the buildup of debris on the surface of the soil and when thatch is left to build up, it can cause all sorts of […]