Statistics & Audience
- We host an average of more than 30,000 people each month (unique visitors counted as one visitor per month) – this is currently growing at 14%.
- Our visitors have higher household incomes (see market research below)
- They find us via search engines, other websites, our own advertising and repeat visits.
- We currently have around 280 upgraded businesses in our directory creating a potent ratio of visitors : advertisers.
Updated 1 September 2010
Visitor behaviour question: How would you normally make contact with a business on our directory?
(Percentage of survey answers)
Demographic Audit by Nielsen Online
Visitor Internet Activities
- 55 % downloaded a brochure or form in the past four weeks – this could be your product list, brochure or oder forms
- 63 % received or paid a bill in the past four weeks – this could be your account.
- 25 % access the internet at work and 72 % access at home. 3% access at libraries, educational institutions and other locations.
Demographic audit completed July 2008